MICAM Milano | 17-20 September | Fiera Milano Rho

The footwear industry’s leading international trade fair, MICAM Milano promoted by Assocalzaturifici, is a one-of-a-kind event with over 1700 footwear collections at each edition, successfully melding business and fashion.
The event takes place in Milan twice a year, in February and September, in the Fiera Milano Rho trade fair district. It showcases the autumn/winter and spring/summer collections for the following year, respectively.
The fair occupies an exhibition area of about 60.000 square meters and plays host more than 1.200 companies each edition, of which more than 570 are international. Together they represent over 30 different countries.
MICAM is the landmark event for footwear industry professionals from all over the world.
Given the attendance figures of 45.000 visits per edition, of which half coming from around 130 foreign countries, MICAM confirms its role as a privileged showcase for promoting new collections. At the same time, it is also a decisive opportunity to do business and establish tangible commercial contacts.