About Running Industry Alliance

Running Industry Alliance (RIA) is a membership-based independent trade organisation built for the UK & Ireland Running Industry with the aim to collectively help its Members to drive the Running Industry forward to improve the Sport and Business of Running.

RIA brings together different verticals of the Running Industry including Brands, Retailers, Events + Mass Participation, Charities, Communities, Media, NGB’s + NGO’s, Services, Suppliers, Buying Groups + Distributors.

The Running Conference 2024 presented by haku takes place for RIA Members from 8th to 10th December 2024 at Loughborough University (UK) and features meticulously curated content focusing on relevant and impactful topics for the sport and business of Running, plus ample industry (B2B) networking opportunities.

RIA Members and Alliance Partners can be viewed here: http://www.runningindustryalliance.com/foundation-members/

Go to the website for further details about Running Industry Alliance and The Running Conference, get in touch with membership@runningindustryalliance.com or follow the LinkedIn company page.

The BFA is run for and by our members – by becoming a partner you join a network of some of the foremost businesses within the UK footwear sector. Whatever business products or services you are marketing, BFA members are always keen to adopt that which enhances their business, makes their operations more efficient or increases their profits.

The BFA hold regular networking events and themed webinars, where we encourage partners to take the reins and showcase their businesses and services to our membership. We also enable partners to have an input in what we say to the Government and we ensure they receive Whitehall’s responses first-hand.

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